Robbins Geller Ranked #1 M&A Law Firm
According to a new study, “Zealous Advocates or Self-Interested Actors? Assessing the Value of Plaintiffs’ Law Firms in Merger Litigation,” written by Randall S. Thomas of Vanderbilt University Law School, C. N. V. Krishnan of Case Western Reserve University, and Steven Davidoff Solomon of the University of California, Berkeley School of Law, Robbins Geller was recognized as the top law firm in every category measured, with fee awards of more than $1 million when the Firm served as lead counsel in a case led by an institutional investor as the best indicator of a plaintiffs’ firms’ prominence. The professors analyzed the role of plaintiffs’ law firms in merger and acquisition (“M&A”) litigation “using a hand-collected sample of 1,739 different merger lawsuits during the period 2003 through 2012.” Through these findings, the results prove that the Firm is more likely to be “significantly and positively associated with a higher probability of lawsuit success” than any other firm. The professors concluded that Robbins Geller “deliver[s] the best outcomes for their clients” because the Firm brings “better cases” and “prosecute[s] cases more successfully, as compared to other law firms.”
Robbins Geller has earned a reputation as the leading law firm in representing shareholders in M&A litigation where billions of dollars have been obtained. The Firm regularly prosecutes M&A cases post-merger, often through trial, to maximize the benefit for its shareholder class. Some of Robbins Geller’s most notable cases include Kinder Morgan ($200 million), the largest M&A recovery to date; Del Monte ($89.4 million), a case where Wall Street practices were changed; and, most recently, Rural Metro ($75.7 million), a significant post-trial judgment and the largest ever obtained against a bank over its role as a deal advisor.
For additional news on the study, please see:
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