Robbins Geller is committed to minimizing the environmental impacts of the practice of law by following many of the California Lawyers Association sustainability guidelines and working to implement additional measures where feasible in its offices. The Firm’s San Diego office is located in a Certified LEED Gold building, the San Francisco office is in a Certified LEED Platinum building, and the Firm’s Boca Raton and Manhattan offices are in Energy Star Label buildings.
Some of the Firm’s additional sustainability initiatives include:
- Providing commuter incentives;
- Participating in recycling and e-recycling programs, including the recycling of outdated computers and other electronic items;
- Promoting the reduction of paper use;
- Setting printer default settings to double-sided printing;
- Migrating to an electronic file room and mail delivery system;
- Reusing supplies like binders, red wells, and file folders;
- Recycling printer cartridges and other office supplies;
- Replacing worn out office equipment with more efficient Energy Star-labeled equipment;
- Replacing incandescent, halogen, and/or CFL lighting with LED lighting; and
- Donating outdated equipment and supplies to local schools and non-profit organizations.
The Firm encourages all employees to participate in these and other sustainability initiatives.